Mastery of the gem would allow the user to duplicate any physical superhuman ability. POWER - This red gem contains access to all power and energy that ever has or will exist. Notable Owners: Adam Warlock, the In-Betweener, Thanos, Magus, Doctor Strange, Invisible Woman (Earth-9997/Earth-X) The gem also allows the bearer access to an idyllic pocket-universe that is much like heaven.

Mastery of the gem would allow the user to control all living life in the universe. Within the gem are collected souls in perpetual limbo. This gem allows the user to steal, manipulate and alter souls, living or dead. Its sentience is the most profound, and it has shown a hunger for souls, a hunger that can possess a novice user. SOUL - This green gem is the first to be seen in continuity in the Power of Warlock series. He also gave each individual gem a name based on the power they possessed. Originally known as the soul gems, they were renamed the Infinity Gems by Thanos. This makes possession of all six next to impossible. Though it's also been discovered that securing the first five gems consecutively becomes more difficult to obtain, though eventual ownership of five gems would give the owner enough power to lure or locate the last. The most recent discovery has been that possession of these gems can allow the owner to 'find' the other gems. The gems have been found to have their own sentience, and they are all linked to one another. However, power at that level does not easily dissipate, and remnants of that being forged into the Infinity Gems. Once again alone and unable to bear the eternal solitude, the being committed suicide. Realizing its error the being destroyed its flawed creations. This being attempted to create life forms, but the life forms lacked the concept of good or evil, and devolved into demonic beasts. The gems are the remains of a once omnipotent being named Nemesis whose domain was any and all realities. After discovering the true potential of the gems Thanos told the history of the gems to the Elder of the Universe, The Runner. Largely unknown to all but a few select beings is the origin of the gems. Only the Living Tribunal, judge of the multiverse, is immune to the wishes of the wielder of the Infinity Gems. The gems can be mounted on the Infinity Gauntlet, a golden left glove. Together the gems give whomever can combine their control over all aspects, making the wielder immensely powerful to the point of omnipotence. Each gem gives the bearer complete power and mastery over it's aspect of the universe which are Power, Reality, Space, Time, Mind, and Soul. The power in these gems are subtle in their influence, and if an owner is unaware of the vast potential of a gem they could very well never realize it. The unassuming gems are oblong in shape and smooth in texture. Initially known as the Soul Gems, and also known as the Reality Gems, the Infinity Gems are among the most powerful artifacts in existence.